ances without affecting the genitals. This is just a theory. There are no biological facts to back it up.

However, this theory was accepted for many years. But in time other sexologists began to expound other theories regarding bisexuality. Magnus Hirschfeld said that bisexuality was an inborn characteristic brought about by a specific proportion of the male and female substances in the hereditary composition of the brain. Sigmund Freud believed that constitutional factors (factors inborn in the tissues of the body) are responsible for bisexuality.

Biologists have contributed the most significant findings in the riddle of bisexuality. For instance, one of the leading biologists of our day, Frank R. Lillie says: "There is no such biological entity as sex. What exists in nature is dimorphism within species into male and female individuals, which differ in respect to contrasting characters; it is merely a name for our total impression of the ditferences. It is difficult to divest ourselves of the pre-scientific anthropomorphism which assigned phenomenon to the control of personal agencies, and we have been particularly slow in the field of scientific study of sex characteristics in divesting ourselves not only of the terminology but also of the influence of such ideas. Sex of the gametes and sex in bodily structure or expression are two radically different things. The failure to recognize this elementary principle is responsible for much unsound generalization."

Sex is not a small bundle of cells and tissues within a larger one, but a component system of many systems in the individual. The relative significance of the various elements in each of the two sex systems has still to be established.

In order to have reproductive activity there must be reproductive maturity. Sex exists for the purpose of reproducing one's species. Sex also means two different kinds of individuals, male and female. In order that the race may con-

tinue, male and female must constantly reproduce more males and females.

In the ordinary course of events the process is interrupted until either male or female develops. However, there are occasions in which no clear-cut forces operate, the endocrines pour forth both male and female sex hormones in equal amounts and a bisexual individual is the result.

That sex is purely of chemical and hormonal origin has been proved time and again in the clinic as well as in the laboratory. Well known to surgeons is the fact that the adrenals, two flattened yellowish-brown glands about two inches in length which lie on the upper surfaces. of the kidneys may bring about a reversal in sex. When diseased the adrenals may change a woman's skin to a roughish male texture and cover it with coarse hair. They may change her voice from a soft feminine cadence to the deep, gruff tones of a man; they may make her repellent to the male sex and pervert her loves and hates.

Dr. Lennox Ross Broster, at Charing Cross Hospital in London, England, has done much to probe the mystery of sex, bisexualism and sex reversal. He has long been convinced that back of all these mysterious processes are the hormones or chemical messengers of the ductless glands.

Some few years ago there appeared a woman at Charing at Charing Cross Hospital who began to show all the sexual characteristics of the male. Hair began to appear on her face. Alterations in bodily contour towards the male sphere such as broadening of the shoulders relative to the hips appeared. There was overgrowth of muscle and bone, and coarsening of the skin. Her voice deepened. There was immature development of the sexual organs; under-development of the breasts and an alteration in the psychological outlook towards men. In other words, she became a bisexual creature, with a tendency towards male characteristics.